# Test Case Recording via chrome extension

vREST Extension(opens new window) (A browser extension, currently available only for Chrome) is a very simple and powerful tool, which records the HTTP requests and responses of any web application and it will automatically store them as test cases in vREST NG(opens new window) . It can be configured to filter out HTTP requests according to content type and URL pattern for recording. It can be directly installed from Chrome Web Store(opens new window) .


  1. Any network communication (via HTTP(s) requests) which is not in the knowledge of the browser tab, will not be recorded by the extension also.
  2. In order for the extension to work, the recorder service must be started first.

Please follow the steps below in order to record the test cases:

  1. Start the Recording Server
  2. Configure the chrome Extension
  3. Record the HTTP Traffic as test cases